Ryerson University

Ryerson University Ryerson offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs. Culturally diverse and inclusive, the university is home to 38,950 students, including 2,300 master's and PhD students, nearly 2,700 faculty and staff, and more than 140,000 alumni worldwide.

Ryerson University scholarships: To be eligible for consideration, students must: - Be currently enrolled full-time in a Canadian secondary school (minimum of three Ontario grade 12 U/M courses or Canadian provincial equivalent within the 2014-2015 regular school year; - Have been continuously enrolled full-time (no gaps in full-time attendance prior to the 2014-2015 regular school year); - Be enrolling in a postsecondary institution for the first time; and - Have submitted the correct and complete application for admission to the program for which the scholarship is being granted by May 1, 2015.

International Student Merit Scholarships
Open to International applicants entering year one of a full-time four-year undergraduate degree program in Fall 2015; students must be enrolling in a postsecondary institution for the first time and have completed an application to Ryerson, via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) by March 1, 2015, and must be currently enrolled (full-time) in the final year of an out-of-country secondary school (or equivalent) and entering Canada with Study Permit authorization. Applicants must achieve first-class standing in the country-specific equivalent of the Ontario Grade 12U program.

Feb 1, 2015

Admissions office
Phone: (+1) 416-979-5036
On your mobile device at: or AskRU iPhone App in iTunes App Store.

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